
Rascal has had one of the hardest lives of any cat we’ve rescued. This gentle boy was hit by a car and pulled himself to the side of the road. A good Samaritan pulled over and took him home. Not knowing what to do, she took him to a local shelter for help. Luckily, one of our volunteers was at the shelter rescuing Bodhi (another orange and white blind cat) and intercepted person bringing Rascal into the shelter. Our volunteer knew he would be euthanized immediately if left there and convinced the person to take Rascal home while she contacted rescuers for help. When Milo’s heard his story, we jumped into action and got him to our vets office
Rascal’s injuries included massive head trauma (he’s blind and partially deaf), trauma to his spine causing his back legs to not work very well, trauma to his chest area, causing pneumonia and a broken jaw. Through it all, Rascal purred and was gentle and kind. We knew he deserved a chance. He spent a week at our vets’ office recovering and having surgery to fix his jaw. Also, when the vets did x-rays we discovered that his back left leg had been broken at some time in his young 11 months on this planet and had healed badly.
Rascal has been through so much in his short time on his planet. Thanks to our volunteers, he now has a safe, loving and forever place. The only thing he’d like now is sponsor to call his own. Can you open your heart and be Rascal’s sponsor?
Rascal’s injuries included massive head trauma (he’s blind and partially deaf), trauma to his spine causing his back legs to not work very well, trauma to his chest area, causing pneumonia and a broken jaw. Through it all, Rascal purred and was gentle and kind. We knew he deserved a chance. He spent a week at our vets’ office recovering and having surgery to fix his jaw. Also, when the vets did x-rays we discovered that his back left leg had been broken at some time in his young 11 months on this planet and had healed badly.
Rascal has been through so much in his short time on his planet. Thanks to our volunteers, he now has a safe, loving and forever place. The only thing he’d like now is sponsor to call his own. Can you open your heart and be Rascal’s sponsor?